
Artículos Descripción Fuente



eHealth Living Lab Micro Innovation Strategy: A Case Study of Prototypes through Co-creation


Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering,


Volume 69, Part 8, 144-150,

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23635-8_18


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Dr. Marco Ferruzca


Innovation has evolved towards a more democratic model, but there is a lack of tools and strategies that help organizations to manage the inclusion of citizens/experts/stakeholders/researchers in their innovation process. This is the case of the eHealth domain where design and delivery of new solutions to patients, beg for innovative solutions. This paper presents the “Living Lab Micro Innovation Cell” (iCell), a framework to co-create innovative eHealth services. iCell has a nucleus composed of a multidisciplinary junior team supported by a group of senior consultants coming from businesses, health institutions and research centers. All of them collaborate with patients in the co-creation process. The iCell integrates different core competences and manages "knowledge and work flows" through 2.0 internet tools. The iCell framework is the result of a qualitative research based in a case study of six eHealth service prototypes developed in the area of Barcelona during the last three years.


Vector Consensus: Decision Making for Collaborative Innovation Communities

Dr. Marco Ferruzca

To achieve a general agreement in relation to a specific proposal, members of a community must participate in the formal consensus process. This paper describes a web-based system (the Vector Consensus system) for supporting an ad hoc consensus process. The system was implemented in a collaborative innovation community with the aim to discuss how this organization understands some drivers affecting collaboration practices. The results have shown that Vector Consensus system enhance ultimate consensus and canalize personal contributions to the organization. Furthermore, the possibility to compare the one’s personal opinion with respect to the rest of the community, given as a real-time feedback, appeared to have a positive impact on the group, augmenting the context knowledge awareness.


Communications in Computer and Information Science,


Volume 110, Part 3, 218-227,

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16419-4_22


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A Living Lav Micro Innovation strategy to improve the co-design process of E-services: A case study of six prototypes in the eHealth domain


Education and Management Technology (ICEMT), 2010 International Conference on

2-4 Nov. 2010

117 – 120

Conference Publications


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 Dr. Marco Ferruzca

Even though open and user approaches drive actually innovation, there is still a lack of tools and strategies that help organizations to improve their innovation management during collaboration with others. This is the case of organizations having problems to harness the knowledge fluxes in an innovation space. “Living Lab Micro Innovation Cell” (iCell) is our proposal of a strategy to co-design prototypes of new eHealth services. It also represents a complementary action for organizations involved in this domain to improve their innovation process. iCell has a nucleus composed of citizens supported by a group of consultants coming from firms, research centers and hospitals. All of them collaborate with patients during the co-design process. iCell integrates different core competences and leverages knowledge fluxes through web 2.0 tools. Finally, iCell framework is the result of a case study based in six e-health prototypes developed in Catalonia during the last three years.


imagen artculo genrico   

E-fren: e-learning system for management of evidence in nephrology

IATED Digital Library

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 Dr. Marco Ferruzca

This paper describes an e-learning system called E-FREN whose aim is to meet nephrologists training needs and provide a continuous task for the tutor responsible to train medical residents in Spain. Nephrology in Spain was developed in the last 25 years and the first generations are between 50 and 60 years old. This group of specialists is dispersed throughout the Spanish territory and e-fren has helped to add this knowledge and facilitate its transfer to new generations. For the first issue ten experts in nephrology developed E-FREN contents including: a master class in video synchronized with the class slides, study cases, a case for resolution, and an assessment questionnaire. E-learing...


 imagen artculo genrico   E-therapy-learning

IATED Digital Library

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 Dr. Marco Ferruzca

E-therapy can be considered a category of e-learning systems if it pretends that the user, patient in this case, is able to modify their patterns of learning and face a known problem using new tools.

This paper presents EDIS project, developed under the concept of collaborative design. It means that in the process of artifacts production, the user/patient is considered part of the work team from the early phase of design, changing his/her usual role and influencing with his/her experience in design decisions...


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20 de Febrero de 2015

15:00 -  17:00 hrs.

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Departamento de Investigación y Conocimiento

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